Who Is in Charge? (Session 2)

證道 – Roland Beard 牧師 (馬太福音 18:21-22)



Outline: Understanding and Dealing with Conflict

Fulfill the direction of the Holy Spirit and, thereby, avoid a lot of conflict?

Can communication and relationships be free of conflict?

Can you be passionate?

Can you be in disagreement and hold it properly?

These are all important questions. We cannot deal with them without reviewing Biblical fundamentals and seeing how they apply. Last time we dealt with the origins of conflict. This time we want to review the origins of conflict, look at how God points us to pertinent principles in relationships, and review a key portion of scripture regarding conflict

1. Conflict’s origins. 1 John 3:11-12, 16

2. The sanctity of relationships under the “umbrella” of our relationship with Him.
a. Sanctity of relationships with brothers and sisters. John 15:12-17
b. Sanctity of marriage. Matthew 19:3-6

3. The central place of forgiveness in the life of a believer and among believers. Matthew 18:21-22,35

4. The nature of conflict in a biblical view. James 4:1-10

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