地點:同興教會 (735 Park St.)
Session 1. 3:30PM,『成為神良善的僕人』
Session 2. 6:30PM,『成為神忠心的管家』
6:00pm,Copley 車站(靠近幼兒園,seymour 和 copley 交界處)
6:10pm, UHeights 車站
6:20pm,Aquatic Fitness Center
廖忠信弟兄於高中時在台灣信主,一九八六年來來美求學,於北卡州立大學 (NCSU) 得到工業工程的碩士與博士學位,畢業後就職於北卡三角科學園區 (RTP) 的 IBM,從事研發工作十七年的時間。是一位經過公證的資訊科技建築師 (Certified IT Architect),曾在 IBM 得過 Blue Ribbon Award、Bravo Award 與其他科技成就獎項,經常擔任全球各地 IBM 員工的培訓工作。
來美後,廖弟兄一直在北卡洛麗華人基督教會 (RCCC) 參與服事,帶領主日敬拜、教導成人主日學,並參與當地華人留學生的關懷與福音工作,定期在北卡 Duke, UNC, NCSU, ECU, Wake Forest, UNCC 與美國其他外州的華人團契、查經班、教會、與留學生團體當中,分享信息。
十多年來,他也持續藉著『曠野之聲』 (www.sitw.org) 網站,將基督徒的信仰,並他在各地方的講座、講章,藉著網路與世界各地方的華人分享。
證道 – Roland Beard 牧師 (馬太福音 18:21-22)
Outline: Understanding and Dealing with Conflict
Fulfill the direction of the Holy Spirit and, thereby, avoid a lot of conflict?
Can communication and relationships be free of conflict?
Can you be passionate?
Can you be in disagreement and hold it properly?
These are all important questions. We cannot deal with them without reviewing Biblical fundamentals and seeing how they apply. Last time we dealt with the origins of conflict. This time we want to review the origins of conflict, look at how God points us to pertinent principles in relationships, and review a key portion of scripture regarding conflict
1. Conflict’s origins. 1 John 3:11-12, 16
2. The sanctity of relationships under the “umbrella” of our relationship with Him.
a. Sanctity of relationships with brothers and sisters. John 15:12-17
b. Sanctity of marriage. Matthew 19:3-6
3. The central place of forgiveness in the life of a believer and among believers. Matthew 18:21-22,35
4. The nature of conflict in a biblical view. James 4:1-10